Return and refund

You have 14 days after receiving your order to make a return request.
It is important to note that you will be responsible for the return shipping costs.

To make a return request, please contact our customer service department, via the contact form or
by e-mail:

To facilitate your return request, please prepare the following information:

  • Order number
  • Reason for your return: return/retraction
  • If possible, your customer number

To be processed, your return must meet the following conditions:

  • The product must not have been used,
  • The product must be returned in its original packaging,
  • The product and the original packaging must be in perfect condition in order to put the product back on sale without repackaging,
  • The product must reach us within 14 days from the date of receipt,
  • The products are inspected upon receipt.

Failure to comply with our return conditions will result in the refusal of the return.

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